Toolwiz Magnetic Sweeper
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<div class="celwidget aplus-module launchpad-company-logo" data-cel-widget="aplus-launchpad-company-logo"> <div class="a-section a-text-center launchpad-module launchpad-module-company-logo"><span style="color: #313131; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Rolling magnetic sweeper, also known as magnetic broom sweeper or magnetic floor sweeper, is a welcome addition to any home or workplace because of how easy it makes cleaning up large messes.</span></div> </div> <div class="celwidget aplus-module launchpad-brand-description-left" data-cel-widget="aplus-launchpad-brand-description-left"> <div class="a-section a-spacing-top-mini launchpad-module launchpad-module-brand-description-left"> <div class="a-section launchpad-text-left-justify"> While being great at picking up loose nails or other objects in a driveway that can puncture tires or injure people who step on them, other added benefits of using a magnetic sweeper is for picking up potentially dangerous objects, such as loose blades, cut pieces of sheet metal or sharp metal shavings. </div> </div> </div> -